Address healthcare and LTC expenses which will increase retirement savings.

By initiating the healthcare conversation, advisers help clients address their number one concern – retirement healthcare costs.

HVAM programs provide all the necessary information and data to make the adviser knowledgeable on healthcare and LTC costs. Individual client solutions are then generated through a proprietary healthcare cost algorithm which draws on a database which is updated annually or upon changes in legislation. Personalized projections are based on age, health, gender, and location.


There is nothing more personal than an individual’s health. Showing its impact on retirement enhances the relationship between the financial advisor and investor.

Pre-retirees typically only pay a portion of healthcare premiums since employers are responsible for the majority of the cost. Today, investors feel the need to focus and appropriately budget for future medical expenses. Given the importance of addressing healthcare costs in retirement, this becomes an urgent call to action for investors. HVAM provides the programs and training for advisors to guide their clients through the retirement healthcare maze.

By simplifying the process of addressing healthcare and LTC issues investors can confidently make decisions in one meeting.

In one meeting, HVAM applications clearly define the issues and provide a highly personalized solution to the client’s healthcare costs in retirement. The solutions integrate easy-to-understand planning programs and can link them to targeted healthcare investment programs and an HSA.